
Shrimp Catch Waste Reduction

Product Type: Fisheries – shrimp
Stage: Production & Harvesting, Processing & Packaging, Distribution & Market
Problem: Low-value by-catch discard/waste of lantern fish caught during Sakura shrimp harvesting
Solution: Redirect lantern fish by-catch into value-added skin care product inputs; reduces waste and increases returns for fisheries

  1. Harvesting: Lantern fish, a small and fast-spoiling fish is often recovered by Sakura shrimp fisheries as by-catch. Lantern fish are not a common food fish and presently often discarded.
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  2. Processing: Lantern fish by-catch can be processed with enzymatic hydrolysis to produce hydrolysate, an input for skin care products.
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  3. Distribution: Hydrolysate, the value-added output of lantern fish by-catch, is subsequently sold to producers of skin care products. One source of Sakura shrimp by-catch discard/waste is eliminated and a source for skin care product inputs is created with returns for fisheries.
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Resource :

Source: Dr. Hui-chun Tsai, Fisheries Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Chinese Taipei