
Automation, Pre-cooling, Cold Storage of Vegetables

Product Type: Vegetables
Stage: Processing & Packaging
Problem: Temperature is the most influencing environmental factor that determining the deterioration rate of fresh produce during postharvest stage.  Rapidly cooling harvested horticultural crops to an optimum storage temperature is a pivotal process of postharvest temperature management.  However, many precooling technologies, such as forced-air cooling and vacuum cooling, require sophisticate, expensive equipment or facilities, which are not available or affordable by small farm holders or growers in developing countries.
Solution: Packag-icing sprays a layer of finely crushed ice or ice slurry (60% ice + 40% water + 0.1% salt) on the top of fresh produce before sealing the packaging in order to precooling the commodity and maintaining cold temperature during transportation.

1. Layers of crushed ice are added on top of the vegetables.

2. The precooling method eliminate the heat from field, alleviate water loss rate, reduce respiration rate, inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, avoid the harmful impact of ethylene, and prolong the extension period.
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Chinese Taipei