Mar 07 , 2018Views : 25179

2018 World Cold Chain Summit took place in Ho Chi Minh on March 7-8

On November 20, 2014, United Technologies Corporation and Carrier convened the inaugural World Cold Chain Summit to Reduce Food Waste in London, bringing together 65 economists, engineers, journalists and players in the cold chain industry from 12 countries to engage in a spirited discussion of strategies for preventing food loss and waste.
Among the different solutions to reduce food loss, improving perishable food preservation is essential. More than 50 percent of the wasted food can have its shelf life extended by the cold chain. However, only 10 percent of worldwide perishable foods are refrigerated today, so there is immense opportunity to cut food loss and the resulting greenhouse gas emissions by implementing or improving the cold chain.
In support of feeding more and wasting less through a strengthened cold chain, Carrier has been annually gathering, for the past four years, some of the 150 leading experts from around the globe and across the supply chain to discuss solutions and to improve coordination. 
Together, we’ve made incredible progress, promoting cold chain systems as a key success factor amongst the food loss reduction global effort.
The last conference took place in Ho Chi Minh, March 7-8, 2018.
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