Jun 19 , 2019Views : 25226

Food Thrown Away Rises During Ramadan (Malaysia)

According to the calculation of Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Corporation (SWCorp) in Malaysia, the amount of food wasted in Kedah rises by about 240 tonnes a day during Ramadan. SWCorp also discovered that Malaysians threw away up to 270,000 tonnes of food every Ramadan.

So, the city council will take action against litterbugs either in the form of warnings or compounds of between RM30 and RM300.

The Social activist Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye has said that there is an urgent need to educate Malaysians on food wastage and to adopt the idea of taking only what they can finish. T
he 20,087.5 tonnes of food that was wasted daily during Ramadan could feed about half of the Malaysia's population for three times.