Aug 20 , 2019Views : 25177

Sustainability at APEC: Delegates participate in Tree Planting at El Loto Wetland

Around 60 delegates from APEC economies participated in a tree planting activity in the El Loto wetland of Llanquihue through t
he Third Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM3). This activity was organized by the APEC Chile 2019 Office, Los Lagos Regional Governor’s Office, Llanquihue municipality, CONAF (National Forest Corporation) and the Legado Foundation.


This wetland was ignored and abandoned for many years, and was often used as a place to dump garbage. This activity could make people truly aware about the need to take care of and maintain the ecosystems. In APEC, it focus on sustainable growth, illegal fishing and marine waste. This activity showed that the topic of sustainable growth is much broader, encompassing other issues, such as wetlands and planting.