May 10 , 2022Views : 27277

Webinar on Drafting the Implementation Plan for Reducing Food Loss and Waste

  • General Information
  • Agenda

The key objective of this webinar is for APEC Member economies to exchange, share, and discuss their plans and policies regarding the key action areas stated in the Food Security Roadmap Towards 2030; viz., digitalization and innovation, productivity, inclusivity, sustainability, public-private partnership, and smart goals and roadmap implementation. As the leading economy for 17(e) of the Food Security Roadmap Towards 2030, Chinese Taipei aims to draft a short document which outlines the action plan that APEC members can reasonably undertake individually and collectively towards the attainment of the goal specified in 17(e). The draft of action plan will serve as an input to the implementation plan of the Food Security Roadmap Towards 2030.

Tuesday 10 May 2022




(30 Mins)

Login and system checks

·      Delegates to login using the assigned screen name

·      Check of audio and visual connections




(20 Mins)

Session 1: Opening Session

- Welcome Remark: Ching-cheng Chang, Chinese Taipei

- Opening Remarks:

 Vincent Lin, Chinese Taipei

 Su-san Chang, Chinese Taipei

 Pasinee Napombejra, Thailand

- Group Photo




(20 Mins)

Session 2: The Draft Implementation Plan for Reducing FLW


Moderated by Ching-cheng Chang, Chinese Taipei

- The Draft Implementation Plan

   Speaker: Tony Shih-hsun Hsu, Chinese Taipei

- 2021 APEC Minimizing FLW Survey Report

   Speaker: Kenneth Bicol Dy, Chinese Taipei




(60 Mins)

Session 3: Inputs and Comments on the Draft Implementation Plan for Reducing FLW


Moderated by Ching-cheng Chang, Chinese Taipei




(20 Mins)

Session 4: Conclusion and Closing Remarks

-          Ching-cheng Chang, Chinese Taipei