
Precision Seafood Harvesting and By-catch Reduction

Product Type: Fisheries
Stage: Production & Harvesting
Problem: Wasteful fishery mortality and by-catch
Solution: Commercializing precision seafood harvesting technology after ten years of research and development

  1. Technology: Fish are strained during harvest, exhausting and damaging them during harvesting. Research program developed validation methods for sustainability, maintenance of quality and value during harvest. Technology aims to create low-stress and low-damage conditions for fish. The tubular net, the PSH Modular Harvesting system allows release of small fish and unwanted species before catch is lifted onboard. Metrics for post-harvest validation of fish quality once landed on the boat was cross-referenced to product demand and market price to validate practices and technology. Regulatory change and channels for distribution are being developed to introduce the system into commercial use.
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  2. Data collection and continuing observation: Post-harvest assessment team documented catch composition, size, and quality. This data was applied to develop handling and storage systems focusing on quality through improved survival rates of catch and non-intended catch (juvenile fish and by-catch). Data collection is being used to compel and develop regulatory changes and compare technology to traditional trawl gear. Survival rates for juvenile fish and by-catch is higher with the new technology.
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Source: Dr. Anne Wietheger, Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand